Thursday, June 4, 2015

It's Okay to be Okay

Hey everyone!

It is a beautiful Thursday morning here at Ross, and let me tell you...I haven't been able to enjoy it as I have been inside all this week studying my buns off! This week marks one month since the May 2015 incoming class has been on this island of Dominica. I know everyone says "time flies", but wow...when you are wishing you had one more hour left in you to study and it is already midnight, to wake up at 6:30am to do it all over think the days would go slow..but it surely has felt the opposite. I wanted to do a quick blog post this morning before my lectures are posted online, so I thought..."I think I have time to blog!".

For those of you that just read that and questioned: "Lectures posted online?!" Yes. That is correct. I am officially a "mediasiter." What that means is that here at Ross U, classes are not mandatory, they already have your money, so they really don't care how you use your time to get the information you need. What mediasite offers is a way to watch the lectures on your computer, with options like play, stop, rewind, fast-forward, and speed up at 1.4X, 1.6X, and 2X. The biggest thing with medical school is finding your study strategy...and finding it quickly. After the first week of classes, I knew that it was consuming way too much of my day to go to class from 8-12pm and then do my study sheets per class, which was taking me another 6 hours. So I thought..if I could watch the lectures on about 1.6X speed and do my study sheets simultaneously, I could leave a couple hours a night to study that material. So voila...I am a mediasiter as of Week 2. By no means am I perfect at keeping a schedule and there are days where I feel so overwhelmed with material I just want to curl up in my bed and pull the sheet over me, but I take each hour slowly and try to absorb everything like a sponge.

That is why I wanted to title this post as such, because there have been many times thus far where I haven't felt rockin'..and that's okay. I have learned that everyone has their unique story in being here, and I have to stop comparing myself to others. Some people learn differently, some people can read a whole powerpoint presentation and just get it, some people can work on their cadaver in the anatomy lab and just understand all the origins, insertions, and innervations (*shakes fist at them*), and some people don't need to write everything down, colour-code, and then have to re-write everything on a white board like me. I am here at 26 (almost 27!) because I have realized that I love people, functional movement, health, and medicine way too much to settle for anything less. I may not have known I wanted to be a physician when I was 6. I may not have wanted to be a physician until about 2 years ago, but you know what? That is okay. That doesn't mean I will work any less harder, not get up early to workout before my lectures, go to suture skills lab to practice my skills, or enjoy clinical skills as much as I did yesterday if I didn't want to be here. Life is exactly that. Finding your passion, and even through those tough moments of not feeling 100% or even 50% for that matter, you still see light at the end of the tunnel. My light at the end of my tunnel has me owning my own gym, being the lead Physiatrist and educating in functional movement for people with congenital, or devastating life-altering events. Helping them walk again or strengthen their movements is what would absolutely give me joy going into work everyday. Find your light, and just know that it is okay to be okay...and that not everyone's light will burn as bright as yours, or may be burning even brighter at times, but you have your goal..and that's all that matters.

Bye for now! Off to listen to my Mitosis lecture..oh how I wish it was just as in depth as high school.

-E xo


Oh how I love these pictures, such a fun day!

Love him

Pretty happy with this guy

Our favourite lake in NZ!

The White Coat Ceremony

Just getting the coat and walking outside for pictures!

Oh how I love them all!

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